Understanding Your Cost of Care
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Price Transparency - contact us

Hartford HealthCare has made every effort to provide accurate price information by providing a list of standard charges for each hospital member within the Hartford HealthCare organization.

At Hartford HealthCare, we do not tolerate hate speech, racism, discrimination or violence of any kind. We will not respond to any content expressing hatred or promoting violence against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes: age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, national origin, race, immigration status, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation.

This information is intended to assist consumers in understanding the cost of healthcare services and making informed decisions about their healthcare.

If you would like to receive a price estimate*, click here.
*If you are covered by health insurance, please contact your health insurance provider to determine accurate information about your financial responsibility for a particular health care service provided at this facility.

If you have further questions, would like to discuss payment options or financial assistance, please contact our Financial Counselors at 860.696.6010 or use the form below.

* = required field

For more information regarding your cost of care