Colorectal Cancer Screening Cohort Study

The present study is designed to evaluate barriers and influencers of the likelihood of undergoing colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) in a sample of 200 eligible Connecticut residents. In addition, we will conduct a randomized controlled trial of a mHealth (text message) intervention with those respondents who report nonadherence with CRCS recommendations. The aims are to identify how psychological and social variables interact to influence likelihood of CRC screening, i.e., how measures of psychological distress, financial stress, medical mistrust, etc. mediate and/or moderate the likelihood of individuals having completed CRC screening, as well as to test whether a brief electronically delivered text messaging influences CRC screening behavior.


  • 45-75 years old
  • has both reliable access to the internet and a device with access to it

Location: Hartford Hospital

Contact:, 570-441-2401

Cancer Clinical Research Office